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[1827최지원]RE:[1807 김예림] Real education for students
작성자 오승연 등록일 18.06.22 조회수 18

[1827 최지원] I read your great opinion! I agree with your first opinion very much because I experienced this. I live in ochang and often I hope there is more academy which I can choose widely and private education to expand. However, I think absolute grading system have a problem. If we accept absolute grading system, most of students won't study hard than before and studying program will decrease. We could see this examples in the English grading system. As you know English is now running absolute grading system. But, I could see students doesn't study hard that before. In the past, we have to study very much because we don't know what score will be the first grade. But if the policy change to absolute grading system, students will get a tendency to study other subject. Therefore I think if we adapt absolute grading system we should consider problems which can occur.

이전글 [1503 김세령] Behind the absolute evaluation of the CSAT (1)
다음글 [1519 이재우]The absolute evaluation of the CSAT is only a burden to students>