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[1214 송진섭] RE:[1807 김예림] Real education for students
작성자 송진섭 등록일 18.06.21 조회수 41
I read your opinion well. In many ways, I agree with you, but I have a question and I want to refute it. That is, the realization of the absolute evaluation of the CSAT will further stimulate the private education market. In my opinion, the absolute evaluation of the CSAT and the revitalization of the private education market are not related. The private education market for major subjects (Korean, math, science),and English that was conducted absolute evaluation , has steadily increased and expanded regardless of the implementation of absolute evaluation since last year. And rather, students ' perception of the importance of English subjects in which absolute evaluation was conducted is gradually decreasing. In other words, with 90 points and 100 points getting the same grade, They don't have to put much effort into English. Therefore, if absolute evaluation is carried out, the possibility that the private education market will be maintained or reduced is higher than the possibility of activation. Thank you for reading my opinion.
이전글 [1503 김세령] Behind the absolute evaluation of the CSAT (1)
다음글 [1519 이재우]The absolute evaluation of the CSAT is only a burden to students>