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RE:[1820 임세연] The wind of change is blowing
작성자 김다해 등록일 18.06.22 조회수 11

I disagree with this opinion.

According to the essay, an absolute evaluation will give hope to students from low-income families. However, an absolute evaluation will only increase the difficulty of tests, and private education will be increased to prepare for the exam. That will put more low-income students in despair. It is to evaluate students based on their money. In addition, an absolute evaluation may relieve students of the burden of the CSAT, but it will add to the burden of college admission. When an absolute evaluation is conducted, universities will try to evaluate students through interviews and essays. That puts more pressure on students because they have to prepare for college admission in addition to the CSAT. As in the last sentence, absolute evaluation still has many problems. Therefore, a measure should be prepared to resolve the problem of absolute evaluation before agreeing to the absolute evaluation.

이전글 [1509 백서영] For whom is this evaluation system intended?
다음글 [1705도유빈] Why not come up with a better evaluation plan? (1)