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[1818 이윤주] RE:[1820 임세연] The wind of change is blowing
작성자 이윤주 등록일 18.06.21 조회수 25
I also agree with your opinion! Most of our evidences match, mine was these : students would be able to be provided with specific information about their scores, they would be able to form a healthy learning environment and their pressure they get by the tests will be lessened. Your first evidence was also what I had thought about first, when writing by draft. The comparison between the competition and the race was especially easy to understand! Just like what you said in the third paragraph, I think the current relative evaluation is making things worse. That is why I agree with applying the absolute grading system on CSAT.
이전글 [1509 백서영] For whom is this evaluation system intended?
다음글 [1705도유빈] Why not come up with a better evaluation plan? (1)