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RE:[1820 임세연] The wind of change is blowing
작성자 김혜민 등록일 18.06.21 조회수 18
Your opinion is good, but I think differently. There is no guarantee that students from low-income families will not get more English education, and there are some cases where they study alone and make good results.In addition, the relative evaluation was made to get good grades for students, which makes it more difficult for students to get different subjects.And the entrance system could be the beginning of a change, which could lead to confusion among examines.And while absolute evaluation is the beginning of a change in the admission system, it may cause more confusion.
1802 권여은
이전글 [1509 백서영] For whom is this evaluation system intended?
다음글 [1705도유빈] Why not come up with a better evaluation plan? (1)