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1211 신승현
작성자 신승현 등록일 20.07.16 조회수 16

Hi~ I respect your opinion but I disagree it. You said robot accidents can occur. But there is no example about what kind of accident can happen. Just saying about robot accident can be too comprehensive. So we can't understand why robot is dangerous and scared. You also mention about responsibility of accident. There is law about pets in society. When people get hurted by pet, its owner has to take responsibility about it. When robot industry is activated, there must be a law about robots like that about pets. If a robot causes injury or murder, robot's owner will take responsibility about it. So this situation can be solved. You also said about unemployment. However, I think we don't have to worry about this. As using of robots increases, many jobs related in robots can be appeared in society. So many people are able to find jobs easily.


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