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1318 조승빈
작성자 조승빈 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 21

I disagree with your opinion that robots replacing humans have many problems.

first, you insist that robot accidents can occur, but I think that robots make accidents less than human because they work systematized by a program. So there will be very few accidents. Even if the robot accident happens, then we can legislate on the regulation of responsibility for robot accidents. For example, people who murder people in the workplace by accident, a company, and the murderer will responsible for the murder. Likewise, when the robot makes accidents or murders someone, the company that uses robots in the workplace must responsible for it. Because they make the program and use it to make robots. So we can solve the situation properly when it happens.

Second, you insist that using a robot makes environmental problems, but I think using robot in the workplace would make fewer environmental problems. Because robot work systematized by programs, it will move more efficiently and reduce waste of resources. Although the main source for robots is electricity, robots don't need light like people in the workplace and they don't need a restroom because people do not work there. In addition, robots can solve environmental problems such as illegal dumping of garbage and wastewater pollution if they are based on government-imposed regulations or laws.

In conclusion, robots replacing humans make fewer accidents and environmental problems in the workplace.

이전글 [1난25정혜리]Robots: Will AI can replace human's work?
다음글 [1국31진서영] Robots are machines and not humans.