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1의02 김동률
작성자 김동률 등록일 20.07.13 조회수 37

I disagree with your opinion that robots will make many problems.

First, about robot accident, I have different opinion. Robots are much more accurate than huamans, so it make much lesser accidents. And as technology advances, we become to have a lot of solutions for robot accidents. You mentioned the responsibility problem, but I think those benefits are much more important than that problem.

Second, about the unemployment problem, I also have different opinion. As robots are doing people's easy and repetitive works, many people can be engaged in more creative work and what only humans can do. And I think it can be more socially beneficial than the previous.

For these reasons, I disagree with your opinion.

이전글 [1난25정혜리]Robots: Will AI can replace human's work?
다음글 [1국31진서영] Robots are machines and not humans.