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작성자 박성민 등록일 20.07.14 조회수 120

Hello, Hobin. I'm Seongmin. I read your essay well.

You said that if robots replace human in the workplace, it will raise a problem of social inequality. I don’t think you are wrong, but it’s true that robots can definitely improve productivity. So I'd like to tell you an alternative. It's the robot tax.

If robots replace human in the workplace, it’s possible for the people who don’t have special skills to lose their job. In contrast, entrepreneurs benefit from them, because they don't have to pay wages to their employees. Then, tax revenue will be decreased because workers can’t earn money, and the welfare policies of the government, which makes lives of the unemployed better, will also be reduced. But we can impose the robot tax on the entrepreneurs who can save a lot of money thanks to robots, instead.

If my alternative works well, it'll be able to solve the problem that you raised. So I suggest that robots should still replace human in the workplace.

이전글 [1826조윤아] Robots should replace human in workplace
다음글 2020. 제 1회 사이버 영어토론대회 (6. 25. ~ 7. 15.)