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작성자 방석민 등록일 20.07.09 조회수 88



I want to rebuttal your argument that people can lose their dignity by robots. Robots are generally used to replace physical labor for human's convenience. But how many people will think they have dignity doing physical suffering like manual labor? Will they like and be satisfied with their jobs? I think there will be fewer people like that. As the industry develops in modern times, the kinds of mental labor have diversified. Now, people in modern times prefer mental labor to physical labor because physical labor because of physical distress. By using  robots in physically demanding jobs, we could produce more thing than before and people will also work comfortably. It is killing two birds with one stone! This is the reason why I think we should use robots in the workplace. I want you to change your mind and follow my opinion! 

이전글 [1826조윤아] Robots should replace human in workplace
다음글 2020. 제 1회 사이버 영어토론대회 (6. 25. ~ 7. 15.)