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[1지23 황동현]
작성자 황동현 등록일 20.07.08 조회수 104
I agree with that it will make social inequality worse. Of course it could make a gap between human to human, in addition, I think it could create a gap between company to company. Companies that can apply robots in work get more working-time and efficiency. On contrast, Company can`t afford auto-workers have no choice and use human workers as usual. So superior companies would get more benefits and income, inferior others would get less then them. As a result, big one will get bigger, small one will get smaller. - Then creates inequality.
이전글 [1826조윤아] Robots should replace human in workplace
다음글 2020. 제 1회 사이버 영어토론대회 (6. 25. ~ 7. 15.)