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RE:[1국05 도유빈] Juvenile felony should no longer occur.[1720 장선우]
작성자 장선우 등록일 18.11.30 조회수 556

[1720 장선우]

I agree with you. However, there are some questions. As you have adduced your evidence, according to the National Statistical Forum, there were 76,000 juvenile crimes committed in 2016. However, other statistics suggest that over the past decade the crime rate for teens has dropped to 0.9 percent, which is different from recent media reports that school violence is generally getting worse. Compared to adult crime rates, it's hard to be high, and I feel like everyone remembers only a few particular provocative events and is trying to put all this responsibility on a teenager. Is it right to support the idea that such distortions should strengthen juvenile crime?

이전글 Behind the juvenile law 1111어수현
다음글 Strict punishment is needed for juvenile crime(1320 이영재)