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RE:[1 예 17 오유빈] The opposition to the toughening of the juvenile law
작성자 유현정 등록일 18.11.12 조회수 47

1난11 유현정 댓글


I think there have been enough mild punishment for juvenile delinquency. But did you know that the juvenile delinquents who commit crimes cannot repent of their faults because of the mild punishment, and the rate of recidivism increases again? Whether it's a teenager or an adult, I think everyone is a criminal. The heavy
punishment makes them decide they shouldn't sin next time.
"Don't hate Hate the offense, but don't hate the man," is too old to say in these days. This is my opinion, and I respect your opinions.

이전글 [1 예 18번 유희상] It is the right law for teenagers and It is the Juvenile law.
다음글 [1 예 17번 오유빈] The opposition to the toughening of the juvenile law