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RE:[1죽12 박서영] Why should criminals are cover up?
작성자 정수빈 등록일 18.04.19 조회수 19

[ 1국21 정수빈 ]

I'm sorry, but I disagree with you.

First, human rights are universal rights that are recognized by all human beings.

So I think you are wrong to argue that the human rights of felons are unimportant.

Secondly, making the identify of the felons prevents the felons from returning to society. Even though they reflect on themselves and try to devote their lives to ways that are beneficial to society, identified felons are refused to return to society. They are not free from the perception that they are felons, and they end up wandering.

Thirdly,  I think you only see a few sides.

In korea, the highly-funded criminals may be living better than their victims, but most of criminals are ostracized from society, and recriminate or kill themselves.

For these reasons, I don't think we should disclose the identities of the felons.

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