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RE:[1국20 장선우] Why should criminals are cover up?
작성자 장선우 등록일 18.04.10 조회수 65

[1국20 장선우]

Forgive me for mentioning it, but I can’t accept your view that the human rights of felons are not important. Before democracy, only a few people were given human rights. But we live in a democratic country, the Republic of Korea. A democratic country is a society that values freedom and equality, and everyone has human rights. It is not different for other people who are hurting society. If there are more and more people who have the dangerous idea that criminals do not have human rights, then later this claim could be misused by returning to them and by controlling and suppressing society.


Also, human rights should be equal under all circumstances, and it is not a matter to be measured in light and heavy degrees. It is similar to measuring the weight of life. Differing and discriminating against victims and their human rights can only be used to express their unconditional revenge and anger at the offender. It seems necessary to look at this problem with a cool head. Thank you.

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