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RE:[1죽12 박서영] Why should criminals are cover up?
작성자 류승빈 등록일 18.04.09 조회수 76

[1지 04 류승빈]

About "Should we release the profile of the middle offender? "I also agree with your opinion about this topic. But I have a question about your opinion that the human rights of the felons are unimportant. I also accept the point that human rights should give more Meaning to the victims than to the attacker. But the definition of human rights states "the basic freedoms and rights that we deserve as individuals and members of our country." Criminals are definitely Korean people like us. And In Article 10 of the Constitution, we also read, " Every people have dignity and values as human beings and they have the right to pursue happiness. The state has a duty to identify and ensure the basic nonaggression rights of individuals." Therefore, I think it is necessary to guarantee some human rights even if we want to ignore the criminal rights.

-Article 10 of the Constitution : 헌법 제 10조
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