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[2219 정승재] I agree with your opinion
작성자 정승재 등록일 21.11.03 조회수 55

I generally agree with your argument. First of all, I agree with the opinion that youth under the age of 18 are immature to participate in elections. I think that not giving them the right to vote is not an act of infringing on their rights and ignoring them, but merely acknowledging the difference in experience and depth of thought by age. It is also true that, on average, their intellectual level is inevitably lowered because they have not already received all the educational courses that adults have received.

Besides, I agree with your second and third comments. Minors will not be interested in political information that is not directly related to them, and therefore they will have little information about elections. In addition, if you give them the right to vote, you have to acquire a large amount of information about elections in a short period, so you can get incorrect information.

For the reasons above, I very much agree with your comment.

이전글 [2522 전예은] - The voting age should be lowered
다음글 [공지] 사이버 영어 토론대회 참여 시기 연장 안내