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[2624정송은] Your opinion is reasonble.
작성자 정송은 등록일 21.11.01 조회수 71

 The argument that adolescents are not interested in politics is right, but I think it is the reason why voting is needed for adolescents rather. When the suggestion of lowering the voting age comes up, adolescents are aware of politics for the first time and reflect the political knowledgements of themselves. Does it more dangerous that they become adults without such a process?

 Additionally, You said that voting will have a bad influence on the value formation of adolescents. However, everyone cannot be always encountered purified information. Thus, I think we should accept political situations more openly, rather than carefully. The value formation of adolescents would be more advanced when various opinions are offered.

이전글 [2522 전예은] - The voting age should be lowered
다음글 [공지] 사이버 영어 토론대회 참여 시기 연장 안내