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[2624 정송은] Your opinion changes my thought
작성자 정송은 등록일 21.11.02 조회수 40

Thank you to read my arguments carefully. I thought deeply for two days after being heard your opinion. I thought adolescent politics will solve the problem of college entrance exam-oriented society. But now that I think about it, Youth politics is likely to be properly implemented only when a college entrance exam-oriented society is solved in advance.

The reason why I changed my opinion is that I reached the conclusion that in a college entrance exam-oriented society, any solutions to increase the spontaneity of students are not likely to be effective.

Consequently, improving the entrance exam system would be the fundamental solution, this is another topic, which requires more exploration and consideration.

Therefore I will be in agony about the entrance exam system more, for now, I would like to answer your question by revising my opinion.

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