[2624 정송은] I think we have a different view |
작성자 | 정송은 | 등록일 | 21.11.01 | 조회수 | 45 |
I think we have a different view about the reality of adolescents. You are on the side that because students are suffering from studies, the voting rights shouldn't be provided with them not to give pressure, I am on the one that because students are suffering from studies, the voting rights should be provided with them to solve this educational problem. It is a difference in opinion that can occur sufficiently, I can accept it. However, you said that students have relatively little experience, but I don't think political wisdom and experience are necessary for proportion. Consequently, We should use the voting system for solving recent social problems rather than just give in problems of reality. |
이전글 | [공지] 사이버 영어 토론대회 참여 시기 연장 안내 |
다음글 | [2219 정승재] The problems of lowering the voting age |
- [2624정송은] Voting Is About Getting To Know, ... (1)
[2619이지선] I think your opinion is reasonable. but,
[2522 전예은] - i agree with your argument.
[2624 정송은] Your opinion changes my thought
[2219 정승재] I disagree with your opinion
[2624 정송은] I think we have a different view