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[1724 이연우] robot is the key of economy
작성자 이연우 등록일 20.07.16 조회수 20

When building robots to replace humans, the initial investment cost will be very huge. However, if we deal with various errors that occur while using the robot, I think it will be stabilized enough to repair only the occasional breakdown. Since it is a robot for use at work, I think the price will gradually be adjusted so that it can be commercialized and made of materials that are readily available for more convenient work and development. Also, robots can improve work efficiency. Using robots in factories can increase productivity, which can also help boost the economy. In the long run, economic gains can be made except for initial investment costs. 

이전글 [1국11김시현] Robots can't replace the humans
다음글 [1국32황유민] We should focus on the benefits