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[1709 김서진] Our future that robot's can't replace
작성자 김서진 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 15

[1709 김서진]I also think robots should not replace human jobs. The industrial damage caused by the immaturity of the robot was unexpected, so it was interesting. But I had a question in that the robot's material causes environmental pollution. Most of the robots that are introduced in the news that we can replace our jobs are made of the same materials as the various machines we normally see. The "technology" of making robots is difficult, and the ingredients are easily obtained and can be used for a long time if controlled periodically. "Of course, if we suddenly produce robots that replace many jobs worldwide, that may happen, but that's only temporary, and we can say that robots are better off in terms of the environment because of the more serious environmental pollution that humans cause during social activities. For example, because of the social distinctions caused by Corona 19 the water of the Venice River cleared up and the fish came back. So I thought it would be good to emphasize professional limitations by putting limits on emotional empathy in the technical limitations of robots. 

이전글 [1국11김시현] Robots can't replace the humans
다음글 [1국32황유민] We should focus on the benefits