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1321 최승빈
작성자 최승빈 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 10

I found your essay interesting. But some opinions seem to be different from what I think.

First of all, the advent of robots will have to create new jobs, but it is hard to say that robots will create many jobs.

Also robots will cause workers to lose their jobs and these workers will have less money to make, making it difficult to maintain their lives.

In addition, I disagree with the opinion that if many robots replace people's jobs, everyone doesn't have to work. Because humans can maintain their lives by earning money to live on. But if you don't make money, it will be hard to maintain your life as well as develop yourself. And people can work again because of that way. 

So I disagree with some of your opinions.
이전글 [1매 21 윤가영] The problems when robot replace human
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