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[1316 정웅렬]
작성자 정웅렬 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 20

I agree with your opinion that our lives will be happy and comfortable if robots replace human's work.

But there is a problem - it's money.  Human beings need money to live up to their food, clothes, house, other entertainment  and etc. 

If the robots take our place, we'll loss most of your jobs, then we can't make money.  Of course, we can do things that robots can't do, or we can have new jobs, but every workers can't get new jobs.  So I think your opinion is great but we should prepare for a personal economic situation. 

이전글 [1매 21 윤가영] The problems when robot replace human
다음글 1매29 정효원 Robots vs. Humans: Workers of the future