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[1821 전다현] Robot should not replace human in it.
작성자 정수연 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 37

Hi, I'm Jeong Suyeon

I agree with you. The problem with robots that I never thought about is that robots can conquer the world in the future. I think the development of robots rather encouraged the desire of human materialism through your opinion. And like you think, I think that the robot's fast information acquisition, which we usually thought of as an advantage, could lead to the seriousness of human being controlled by the robot in the future. In many movies about the development of artificial intelligence or robots, I felt danger in that human beings who lost their labor became weak and predicting dystopia could become reality. The rapid development of technology has made the idea of opposing robots to replace human jobs more firmly because it can create a more frightening and dangerous society. So I agree with your argument.


이전글 [1423황동현]_Replacing Human into Robots is too Risky
다음글 [1826조윤아] Robots should replace human in workplace