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[1지22 최호빈]
작성자 최호빈 등록일 20.07.07 조회수 57

[122 최호빈] I agree with [1821.전다현] Is is right that robot replace human in the workplace?

What she wrote is definitely true. She said job is like a life’s goal. It is true. Achieving a job is like a part of our growth. To attain a job, we do everything we can. Through the process we learn many lessons. We grow up. Job is not just a place for working. It is like our pride. Each has taken a role in this society. Job gives us the satisfaction that we belong to our society. It tells us we are actually doing things for improving our society and ourselves.

Losing our jobs because of robots is not the progress of world.

Also, she mentioned that robots might take control of the world. I think this may be true. ‘Robot Revolution’ cannot be dramatic like bunch of Hollywood movies, but robots will weaken our ability. If we depend too much on the service robots provide, we will lose our skills and intuition. What if the network of robots suddenly downfall? Can our civilization revive again? The answer is definitely ‘No.’ We should not yield our jobs to robots to protect ordinary lives.

이전글 [1423황동현]_Replacing Human into Robots is too Risky
다음글 [1826조윤아] Robots should replace human in workplace