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[1731진서영] Robots should replace human in workplace
작성자 진서영 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 69

I don't agree with your opinion that robots can save labor cost.

You said that robots don't need to take a rest, get paid wages and have a meal, just charging the battery. However, It costs a lot of money to manage robots instead of providing wages and meals. And applying robots to work will cost a huge amount of money for initial production. Also, If a robot breaks down, it will cost more than a month's salary. Because, robots are not yet common, so they are very expensive. 

In conclusion, I argue that robots are inefficient in terms of cost.

이전글 [1821 전다현] Robot should not replace human in it.
다음글 (1지22최호빈) Robots should not take our jobs.