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[1지22 최호빈]
작성자 최호빈 등록일 20.07.07 조회수 109

[122 최호빈] Rebuttals for 1죽 26 조윤아


 It is definitely fact that robots work more efficiently than people do. Also, it is safer to use robots to protect people from virus. To prevent mass infection, it is better to avoid contact with others.

She said that more jobs will be added. Since robots will take important part in society, jobs related to future technologies such as AI, ICT, Big Data, IOT. However, I think this is not relevant. Maybe, jobs related to computer system might emerge, but doesn’t it sounds like forcing human to do that stuffs? Do you think people lost jobs would be happy for that situation? The jobs robots take require low education and input. So people who don’t have enough money are likely to take that jobs for basic wage. But when robots take away the jobs... does it mean people who lost their jobs have to study gigabot stuffs? Learning A.I, ICT, Big Data, and I.O.T requires lots of efforts and time. Do you think people who just lost their jobs with no money in their hands can actually learn those? Job is like one’s confidence. Also job is like one’s life. It is no appropriate to enforce them to do such things. And let’s say ‘enforced workers’ go into computer areas. More conflicts and competitions will occur.

 Additionally She mentioned that the number of employed people increased. On the other hand, I think it is not relevant. Of course the number of employed people increased, because the number of people increased. It is not the percent of employment increased. Also, it is not mentioned that this statistic is directly related to embracing robots to society. There are many other plots for that to happen.

이전글 [1821 전다현] Robot should not replace human in it.
다음글 (1지22최호빈) Robots should not take our jobs.