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작성자 조윤아 등록일 20.07.14 조회수 31

 You told that robots steal people's occupations and have many shortcomings that they cannot understand irrational thought, context and it is difficult to trust their judgements. I think your argument is good, but I think there is some error.

 First of all, you told that there are some techinical drawbacks. However, our technology is developing rapidly day by day. Have you known that smartphones have only been released for about 20 years? In 20 years, cell phones have developed rapidly and even folding phones have been released. The first smartphone was very complicated to use, but now it's easy for older people to use. Likewise, robots have become easier to use. Even with a few buttons have made it possible to do sophisticated work, and there are no such technical drawbacks that are difficult to operate because of the large number of robot technicians.

 Second, rather, robots can increase jobs. Have you thought about the advantages of focusing on computer technology? By replacing simple labor with robots, we can concentrate on computer technology more. For example, with the development of the industry, there are many new university departments appropriate for indusrialization; department of computer science, engineering of new materials etc. It is fact that some of occupations disappear because of robots. But, there are many new jobs thanks to robots. 

이전글 2020. 제 2회 사이버 영어토론대회 (7. 16. ~ 7. 31.)
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