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[1예17 정윤호]
작성자 정윤호 등록일 20.07.14 조회수 25

You argued that robots should not replace human jobs because they don't know how to feel, can have technical problems, and steal our jobs. But I don't agree with your argument.

First of all, robots indeed lack emotions. But I think that the coolness of robots can give convenience to customers in the service sector. When unexpected situations first come, it will be difficult for the robot to properly cope, but repetitive learning will improve the program, and eventually, the robot will work better in many situations than humans. And it will be natural for us to face the robot as if we're used to using high passes on the highway and don't feel lonely about that. And these days, pet robots are being made for psychotherapy. So, I think your argument, facing robots makes us feel more lonely, is a leap of logic.

Next, I think the problem of technical defects and the resulting responsibility is both a disadvantage and a very important problem for robots. I think sufficient testing and near-perfect technological advances are the best way to prevent accidents. Also, I think it would be more reasonable to make a law that would make the robot manufacturer pay damages. Of course it will take a long time to do so, but I think it's an inevitable way to prevent damage.

Finally, you said robots steal our jobs. Of course, you're right in a piecemeal fashion. As robots become more efficient, we will gradually give them our jobs. However, the more robots replace our jobs, the more new jobs we can get. For example, designing, programming, manufacturing, or promoting robots. Robots are less creative than humans, so they won't be strong in jobs that require them. Then instead of doing relatively simple things, we can invest more in things that require high thinking. And you said robots could make the current situation worse, but I'm not saying that robots need to replace jobs right now. The robot's job replacement needs to be gradual so that people can adapt. Therefore, I think the example you suggest is out of the topic.

In conclusion, robots may harm us, but if we change our perception a little bit and come up with relevant procedures in advance, the robot's shortcomings can be minimized. The robot's job replacement is a very reasonable and profitable long-term path. I hope you read my comment and think about the advantages of robots.

이전글 2020. 제 2회 사이버 영어토론대회 (7. 16. ~ 7. 31.)
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