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작성자 방석민 등록일 20.07.09 조회수 21


I want to rebuttal your opinion that robots can help to reduce cost on employees. Of course, we could think that if we once buy a robot, we could use it anytime, anyday so it will cost less than hiring a person. But it is not a fact. Despite the development of the industry, robots are expensive to use in factories. Rather than using a robots, hiring people from China or developing countries are much cheaper. And there is also another problem. Suppose you use robots in workplaces. If robots work in the workplace, people who work in factories and companies lose their jobs because of robots. People who unemployed by robots can't make a living so serious social problem can be created by it. This is the reason I want to rebuttal you. 

이전글 1지19 정경한/ Robots should replace human in workplace
다음글 [1인24 최종두] Robots Should Replace Human Workplaces