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[1지22 최호빈]
작성자 최호빈 등록일 20.07.09 조회수 39

[122 최호빈] I agree with what [101 권남혁] said.

 I strongly agree with his writing. Too much dependence on robots would weaken our survival skills. Think of food chain in the wild. If a predator eats a certain kind of prey, it is likely to be extincted. If the error occurs in the network of robot economy, it would be disastrous.

Also, workers will lose their jobs. But, the owners of companies will earn more money thanks to those robots. This means the social gap between the rich and the poor becomes wider. Conflicts and social discrimination will occur.

이전글 [1예11 염규민] Robots should not replace human
다음글 [1매10 김예빈] The limitations of robots