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[1122 최윤성]
작성자 최윤성 등록일 20.07.08 조회수 26

  You said, "If robots replace humans in all workplaces, humans' dependence on robots will be very high, and it means that whole society can be paralyzed when robots have problems like breakdown or hacking." However, I don't agree with that point.

  First, security technologies have already advanced to the point where they cannot be hacked. For example, there is quantum cryptography technology that makes devices impossible to hack. 

 Second, we can prepare some spare robots for the situation that some robots are broken. Maybe there is no chance that the whole robots get broken at the same time. And if some robots are out of work, we can put spare robots into the workplace and prevent chaos.

이전글 [1예11 염규민] Robots should not replace human
다음글 [1매10 김예빈] The limitations of robots