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[1122 최윤성]
작성자 최윤성 등록일 20.07.08 조회수 44

You said, “Only after the robot technology has developed to a complete high level, labor cost will decrease, and until then, our resources such as fossil fuel and money will be needed.” However, I see what you mean, but I’m not entirely convinced. These days, the development of Artificial Intelligence and Robot technologies has advanced to the level we can save labor costs already. And you said “robots’ replacement makes all the supply of goods increase but unemployed persons’ expense and demand decrease” However, we can solve that problem by making welfare policies for robot-reasoned unemployed people. For instance, the government can supply robots for small and medium-sized businesses and receive a certain amount of royalties and use it for robot-reasoned unemployed people. Through it, unemployed people can be saved, and also small and medium companies can lessen the gap with major companies. There are many benefits if we adopt robots. And also, there is some risk if we replace human labors with robots. However, there are many efficient solutions, like the example I said. So I would say that it is natural that the benefits of introducing robots outweigh the risks.

이전글 [1122 최윤성]Robots: Inevitable and Reasonable change
다음글 [1222 조성환] - Robots : the enemy of humanity