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[2122 최현빈] Zoo, and its social position.
작성자 남인우 등록일 19.09.27 조회수 42

I'd like to read your article and share my views on endangered species. I think you wrote the opinion that there would be no better system than a zoo to protect endangered species. But my thoughts are a little different. While I agree with the argument that zoos, of course, would be an effective way to protect endangered species, most zoos are now more focused on their role as a tourist destination to attract public attention than on protection. Also, I can increase their generation by directly managing endangered species, but I think that animals that have been increased are just novel pets in the cage, not wild animals that can live in the wild. Originally forced to live by their instincts in nature, simply tying raw meat to a rope and catching it is no different from keeping a pet, under the name of training to regain instinct Rather than protecting them in zoos, I think it would be more effective to help them live in safer places by reducing human interests and preserving the living conditions of animals. 

이전글 The zoo system should be abolished. [2417 오유빈]
다음글 [2724 이채연] Zoo; Prison for Animals (2)