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[2122 최현빈] Zoo, and its social position.
작성자 노강민 등록일 19.09.18 조회수 93

I read your article well. I was impressed by your point of the argument that you emphasize 'the protection of endangered animals' through various examples. However. I disagree with your opinion. I agree, in part, that zoos can protect endangered species. But the zoo environment is not the right environment for animals to live in, to all intents. On September 7, 2008, at the Higashiyama Zoo in Nagoya, Japan, the polar bear's green fur caused a stir. The zoo was so hot that moss and algae covered the body of the polar bear. Also, the dolphins are known to be under tremendous stress when they communicate with each other through ultrasound in cramped aquariums. Based on this example, the zoos make animals worse. I think it is unethical behavior that abuses and harasses animals.

이전글 The zoo system should be abolished. [2417 오유빈]
다음글 [2724 이채연] Zoo; Prison for Animals (2)