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RE:[1국27최혜연]-Publicizing the Information of Criminals Makes Our Society Safer
작성자 정수빈 등록일 18.04.20 조회수 23

[ 1국21 정수빈 ]

I am sorry, but I disagree with you.

Your statement that the crime rate has dropped from 13.4% to 1% because the identities of the felons has been disclosed means that the felons will not commit the crime again. But identified felons are shunned  even though they have no intention of bringing crimes back. They are unable to engage in social activities, despite the fact that they reflect on their actions and are willing to dedicate their lives to the ways that are beneficial to society. So the policies that we've implemented to lower the crime rates can actually increase the crime rates. So I insist that we shouldn't identify the felons' informations.

이전글 [ 1 3 06 김준서]-The identities of criminals must be disclosed.
다음글 [1인04 김범준 ]-Why we have to Release The Identities of Serious Criminals?