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RE:[1국27최혜연]-Publicizing the Information of Criminals Makes Our Society Safer
작성자 류지호 등록일 18.04.19 조회수 19
[1국 10 박한솔] 로그인이 안되서 친구 아이디를 빌렸습니다.

I agree with your opinion. You said that policy can prevent serious crime and it needed for our safety and right. In your opinion I really think serious criminals's identities must be discovered for protect our safety. Maybe we exposed in danger of crime, but we don't know as we don't have correct information of criminals. So i think discovering identities of serious criminals is needed.

이전글 [ 1 3 06 김준서]-The identities of criminals must be disclosed.
다음글 [1인04 김범준 ]-Why we have to Release The Identities of Serious Criminals?