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RE:[1511 신현주] The Side effects of The Absolute Grading System
작성자 신현주 등록일 18.06.22 조회수 7
[1527 한유빈]

I read your article well. I have seen many good reasons for opposing absolute evaluation. But I think there is one problem with the relative assessment. Students who do not receive private education due to lack of money or lack of conditions will be at a disadvantage. In fact, if you look at the results of the SCAT, many students and students from boarding schools in the Seoul area get into good universities. This can be seen as a result of private education. In Seoul, parents are spending a lot of time and money on private education, encouraging their children to study to pass them to good universities. On the other hand, students who do not have money to get private education or live in remote places such as villages and islands will be at a disadvantage despite their hard work.

이전글 [1527한유빈]An Unfair SCAT, Absolute Evaluation
다음글 [1507 박정민] Agreement of the CSAT Absolute Evaluation (1)