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[1311 박종현]RE:[1511 신현주] The Side effects of The Absolute Grading System
작성자 최건우 등록일 18.06.21 조회수 16
I am in favor of absolute grading system, but I have read your writing and I can see the flaws in absolute grading system. But I have questions about your writing and I will tell you about it.
 When we conduct an absolute grading system, you said, " More private education will be required." I think that it required more private education when CSAT's discrimination is reduced by absolute grading system, too. But, just look at the CSAT, I think absolute grading system will reduce private education. This is because I think the relative evaluation is a competition with others, so it will require more education and be filled with private education. Rather, wouldn't it be wiser to increase CSAT's level of difficulty?
이전글 [1527한유빈]An Unfair SCAT, Absolute Evaluation
다음글 [1507 박정민] Agreement of the CSAT Absolute Evaluation (1)