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RE:[1국09 박초현] [1국13 오승연] An unprepared admission system: Against the absolute evaluation of the CSAT
작성자 이윤주 등록일 18.06.22 조회수 32

I agree with your opinion on the absolute grading system of CSAT.

The reason why I don’t support this system is that it is too unfair. For example, I got 97 on the English test and my friend got 90 on that test. If we apply relative evaluation in CSAT, me and my friend can differ by a grade. On the other hand, If we apply the absolute grading system, me and my friend will get same grade although we have a gap of 7 points. In fact, a point is very valuable to the test-takers in CSAT because that one tremendous test’s score can decide the university where they can enter.
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