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[2난14 이다현]
작성자 이다현 등록일 20.07.10 조회수 66

As you said, the debate topic may be the replacement of robots for normal human jobs (in general case), not for specific jobs, but I thought that there are many types of human jobs, and whether robots are replaced or not depends on jobs. As we take online classes because of Corona 19, I wondered if robots could replace teachers, and I wrote an essay in terms of education because being a teacher is also my dream. To put my overall opinion briefly, I think robots should replace humans only in simple labor. As mentioned in the essay, there is clearly a human characteristic that robots cannot replace. Thanks for reading my essay ^ㅡ^ 

이전글 [2212안진서] Robots: The part of our near-future life
다음글 2020. 제 1회 사이버영어토론대회 (2020. 6. 25. ~ 7. 15.)