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작성자 이종혁 등록일 20.07.16 조회수 20
Thank you for your positive assessment. In fact, regardless of our debate, it is not changed that robot is so efficient and the robot will use in many ways. But at least solutions to various problems that can occur by the 4th industrial revolution will be needed. And to do this, we need to figure out what's the problem exactly.
Technical unemployment, which also occurred in the previous industrial revolution, is more dangerous in the 4th industrial revolution. Before, machines used to act as 'assistants'. But in nowadays, the 4th industrial revolution, it is a high level of automation that performs 'alternative' rather than 'assistant'.
Will there be enough new jobs for the unemployed in the future? Even the existence of new jobs is uncertain. So we must prepare for technical unemployment.  
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다음글 [1국05김가영] The efficiency of robots