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A rebuttal for [1325황현성]
작성자 김태헌 등록일 20.07.16 조회수 15

 I agree to your opinion that robots should not replace humans in the workplace with your reasons. Though, I think a bit different about it. 

 First, you said robots are not emotionally human. Emotions are not always necessary. For instance, workers in plants which produce goods, doesn't require any emotions. More, like a worker in service industry, doesn't need emotions. Of course, humans might cope with it a bit more better. But in treating some frequently asked problems, using robots is much more efficient than humans. Also, there are some problems because humans have emotions. For example, in process of discussing about the pay and working hours, workers and employers can get in unpleasant positions. However, if we use robots, we have no worry of having these situations. Also, consultants, similar to what you said, can be angry when customers do not understand what they say, and when they get the same or similar questions frequently because of emotions. 

 Second, you said there are technical drawbacks. I felt sorry about workers dead from robots. But the technology in robot is rapidly developing and the safety, too. Though there will be some problems such as maintenance problems. We can relieve it by regular examinations. You said robots are difficult to use. However, for example, washing machine, robotic vacuum cleaner, even automatic driving these days are not difficult to use. You can do the laundry, do the cleaning, even driving with just pushing a button these days and it will be much more extended in future. 

 Last, you said robots steal human occupations. You can think so but it really does not. Though robots are developing in high velocity and it covers diverse works, it cannot replace all occupations. Humans still program and design robots. Robots cannot be high raked than human. That is, even if they gain so many informations in short time, it has limitations and there are fields which cannot be taken away from robots, such as psychology consultant and Korean Medicine Doctors. More, robots will create new occupations related to it such as robot programmer, robot designer, and roboticists. 

 These reasons, I think robots can be replaced in workplaces. Robots are created by human, but we feel so much inconvenient and necessity when it is absent these days. Thank you for reading such a long writing.

이전글 2020. 제 2회 사이버 영어토론대회 (7. 16. ~ 7. 31.)
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