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[1709 김서진] We should focus on the benefit
작성자 김서진 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 16

[1709 김서진] I had a question as I listened to your opinion. The reason why the substitution of robots was talked about in the Corona 19 incident is because robots can do our practical things directly instead. That means we have a demand for machines that we can provide services directly to our company employees, not the machines that we are currently working in the factory, but we wonder if our current technology and capital will be able to produce such robots. Today's technology requires a lot of money to build robots that can only do one job, so it will take a lot of capital to produce such robots to meet demand. So I think it's practically impossible to replace robots. 

이전글 [1국28 정은채] Our future that robot's can't replace
다음글 1난07 김현민[ Robots Threaten Humans ]