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1매 06 김보경
작성자 김보경 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 19

Your opinion is very nice. But I think there is some error in your opinion.

First, I don't agree that robots reduce jobs. Even if jobs are reduced due to robots, there will be many other jobs to replace them. I think we're going through the process over and over again, just as our past jobs are now gone.

Second, As you have given an example, robots may make mistakes. But don't people also make mistakes? People cause more than 1,000 accidents a year due to drunk driving, speeding, pedestrian protection violations, signal violations and safety driving failures. Traffic accidents occur to the point where robots drive instead. But if you do something wrong, a big accident could happen. So I'm studying self-driving cars now. Maybe it will be perfect later!

이전글 1매 06 김보경 Robots: Part of our lives
다음글 1죽31 홍지현 "With robot, human can grow further"