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[1709 김서진] Should Robots replace human
작성자 김서진 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 24

[1709 김서진] I could empathize with some parts of your writing, but there is a point to refute. I thought it could be a situation where the advantages of robots that you said in your second claim that they are suitable for service types without emotional consumption could rather act as disadvantages. Psychological counselors, babysitting, and even teachers are jobs that require the sharing of feelings with people. Then it will be very difficult for a robot to carry out its profession as average. So, of course, it's a good thing for a job with emotional exhaustion like a telephone counselor, but I think it's a disadvantage for a job that share their feeling to a majority of other people.  

이전글 1의17 이승헌 Reasons against robots replacing humans
다음글 1807박지현Benefits of replacing human's work to robot