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1죽22 전예은
작성자 전예은 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 15


1죽 22 전예은

There is a proverb “Human was created to work not to meditate, feel or dream(Carlyle)“. Like this, human find life’s worth and feel they are alive. However, if robot replace this, the reason of lives was disappeared. Work is the fate that humans will bear for the rest of their lives, and the replacement of robots is a disaster for humans. Also, will it really work well? The robots are accurate.I can’t refute this. But, is accuracy the best? For instance, the law deal with so many various case. Therefore, it has to grasp and apply subtle emotions and background. Of course, robot that are just accurate can’t do this. Equality and precision couldn’t have meaning in real life. And, you also said we could spend our free time with AI. But, in our society, communication and bond between person and person are disappearing and individualism are spreading now. By using robot, it is getting worse and worse let alone get rid of this phenomenon. What do you think about this? Do you really think robot will benefit?


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