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작성자 진서영 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 26

I agree that robots work more efficiently than humans, but I disagree with your opinion. 

First, we need to think about whether robots are absolutely good because they are much smarter than humans. For example, there are many robot movies that robots control humans. I think robots are much more intelligent than humans, so they can overlook our actions and dominate us. Of course, you might think it's a movie story, but robots have big data, so they're going to start with human history, and they're going to know what the ultimate goal is and what the research is. Moreover, these days, many people will know what they are doing just by looking at their faces through social network services, and their privacy will eventually disappear.

Secondly, robots create different jobs as much as human jobs are reduced, but I think there is a problem here. Most farmers are middle-aged or elderly. But most of the people who have new jobs because of robots are young people. That means the person who lost his job is the same.

I disagree with your opinion for these reasons, but I read it well.

이전글 [1매31 조혜인] Robots shouldn't take away our jobs.
다음글 1702 강신원 Robots replacing Human