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[1난19 이지수] Capitalism
작성자 이지수 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 22

Your essay is very interesting. Even though I'm oppose to your opinion, your first reason which mentioned capitalist country was impressive. 

You said, employment in capitalist country is getting more important and the gap between the rich and poor will become more serious as IT-related jobs will further developed. I agree to growing gap between the rich and poor is a considerable problem, but decreased human hiring in capitalist country is an inevitable phenomenon. One of the traits of capitalism is that it aims to get profit by producing goods. People who produce goods and sell always want to produce more goods with the least money. As the science technology developed, People are able to make goods more faster and cheaper by using various technology. This is a natural phenomenon and robots are just one of the technology used for efficiency. Of course, decreased human hiring in workplace is a problem that must be solved. What I want to insist is that decreasing human hiring is caused by advanced technology all over the society, not because of robots.

다음글 [1매15 소주원] Robots should not replace human